Tribu-Design - Mobilier, Luminaires Et Design Industriel > Au Hasard...

1904 Chaise Castel Henriette  Hector Guimard 1904 Chaise Castel Henriette

 Hector Guimard(fr)

1920 Fauteuil N 752  Josef Frank Thonet 1920 Fauteuil N 752

 Josef Frank(se)


1922 Table d'appoint   Gerrit Thomas Rietveld 1922 Table d'appoint

 Gerrit Thomas Rietveld(nl)

1924 Tables gigognes  MB106 Pierre Chareau 1924 Tables gigognes MB106

 Pierre Chareau(fr)

circa 1950 Fauteuil FDC1  Flavio de Carvalho Objekto circa 1950 Fauteuil FDC1

 Flavio de Carvalho(br)


1961 Chaise Baphomet's Hand  Pedro Friedeberg 1961 Chaise Baphomet's Hand

 Pedro Friedeberg(mx)

1964 Container Combi Center  Joe Colombo 1964 Container Combi Center

 Joe Colombo(it)

 Rangement, étagère  
1968 Chaise longue    Nicola L. 1968 Chaise longue

  Nicola L.(fr)

1977 Lampe de sol   Yonel Lebovici 1977 Lampe de sol

 Yonel Lebovici(fr)

1982 Fauteuil Seconda  Mario Botta Alias 1982 Fauteuil Seconda

 Mario Botta(ch)


1987 Chaise Miss Milch  Philippe Starck Idee 1987 Chaise Miss Milch

 Philippe Starck(fr)


1987 Chaise Hamlet Machine  Robert Wilson XO 1987 Chaise Hamlet Machine

 Robert Wilson(us)


1990 Chaise longue Bird  Tom Dixon Cappellini 1990 Chaise longue Bird

 Tom Dixon(gb)


1993 Allume gaz electrique Firebird  Guido Venturini Alessi 1993 Allume gaz electrique Firebird

 Guido Venturini(it)


 Art ménager  
2003 Tabouret Bishop  India Mahdavi 2003 Tabouret Bishop

 India Mahdavi(fr)


«Not being a minimalist like the Scandinavians, nor serious like the Germans, nor austere like the Spanish, nor creative like the Italians, the French can only claim the qualities of thoughtfulness and balance...I aim for my work to have this French quality» Philippe Starck
